Saturday, May 11, 2024

Erik Edson | Other Stories

Erik Edson
Other Stories
Sackville, Canada: Owens Art Gallery, 2018 
53 pp., 19 x 24 cm., softcover
Edition size unknown

An exhibition catalogue for Erik Edson’s solo show of the same name, from 2017, co-produced by the Confederation Centre Art Gallery in P.E.I., and the Owens Art Gallery.

Other Stories presented a large-scale installation accompanied by smaller works spanning two decades of the artist’s practice. Still rooted in Edson’s longstanding printmaking practice, the works expand into sculpture and installation, informed by his original medium. 

The volume includes notes by curator Pan Wendt, the essay “On the Nature of Artifice” by Emily Falvey, a forward by Gemey Kelly, and an afterword by Kevin Rice. A detailed list of works closes out the title.

The book’s cover features a die-cut circle, square and rectangle, referencing an architectural structure from the exhibition. 

“Printmaker and installation artist Erik Edson is known work that explores the paradoxical space between art and the natural world. [...] Aptly tired, ruins (2017) combines printmaking techniques with those of mural painting, set design, and installation art, and incldudes a wide range of art-historical and pop-cultural references. Subtly interweaving diverse artistic styles and aesthetic categories, such as the picturesque, the fantastic, and the surreal, it brilliantly maps our connections between landscape art, capitalist visual regimes, spectatorship technologies [magic lanterns, panoramas, mis en scene], the history of European ornament, and the commodity form.”
- Emily Falvey

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