Monday, January 23, 2023

Erik Kessels, Sergio Smerieri | In Almost Every Picture 17 - Carlo And Luciana

Erik Kessels, Sergio Smerieri
In Almost Every Picture 17 - Carlo And Luciana
Amsterdam, The Netherlands: KesselsKramer, 2021
104 pp., 16 x 20 cm., softcover
Special edition size of 100 signed and numbered copies

The founding partner and creative director of ad agency KesselsKramer has been scouring flea markets for photographs for years now, amassing an unrivalled collection of amateur photography which -  as a collection - contains a sequenced narrative. He has released 18 volumes to date of the In Almost Every Picture series. 

The 17th features Carlo and Luciana a couple who document their travels with pictures of each other in the same spot, but never together. The book opens with some black & white snapshots of the pair in their twenties or thirties, on a road trip. These are followed by some blank pages to indicate the passing of time. Following this, the images are in colour, of the now much older couple. But again, they do not appear together. One poses (on a beach, in front of a castle, by a hotel pool, in front of some ancient ruins, eating a meal) and then the other poses the same way for the second shot. 

The only picture of the pair together is available in the limited edition of the book, as a tipped-in vinyl record postcard. The b&w picture of Carlo with his arm around Luciana accompanies an audio track of Carlo being interviewed about his travels with her. 

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