Eduardo Kac
Milan, Italy: Alga Marghen, 2016
31.5 x 31.5 cm.
Edition of 276
A single-sided vinyl LP containing a 40 page (30 x 29.5 cm.) booklet, launched at La Plaque Tournante, in Berlin on September 14th of 2016, to accompany a solo exhibition of the artist's work curated by Frederic Acquaviva.
Pornéia is available from Printed Matter,
here, for $25.00 US ($22.50 for members). A copy with a unique etching (below) is available for $3000 US,
"These previously unissued recordings from the Porn Art Movement (1980-1982) include five performances recorded live on Ipanema Beach in 1982, as well as a selection of previously unheard studio recordings of my yellpoems (Poemas-pra- gritar). I used to perform these works in squares, beaches, parks, theatres and many other locations at the time—often with my signature pink miniskirt, when not au naturel.
I fused existing coarse and curse words with parts of words, neologisms, salacious buffoonery, the antinormative scribblings of toilet-wall graffiti, commonplaces, blasphemy, expletives, agrammatisms, incorrect orthography, slangy expressions, lexical exorbitance, general obscenities, the gross and the grotesque, into a new whole. My use of stigmatizing words in these pornpoems transformed them from denigratory to empowering, through political critique and defiance.
The LP also includes the Manifesto Pornô (1980) and four recordings of Flatographic poems (Poemas flatográficos), from 1982, in which I use the flatus as a compositional unit and the mellifluous flatal flow as material. Flatographic poems have visual scores— one of which can be seen on the cover—for metabolic performances that combine meticulous precision with gaseous explosiveness of scatological resonance. Demanding a high level of self-mastery on the part of the performer, this anal poetry was the only series of works produced in the Movement to literally explore the internal side of the body."
- Eduardo Kac, 2016