Thursday, September 5, 2024

Jackie Winsor: Sculpture at P.S.1

[Jackie Winsor]
Jackie Winsor: Sculpture at P.S.1
New York City, USA: Paula Cooper Gallery, 1997
24 pp., 8.5 x 7”, softcover
Edition size unknown

A catalogue published in conjunction with an exhibition at P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center that ran from October 29th, 1997 to April 15th, 1998.

The Newfoundland-born Minimalist artist died earlier this week, at the age of 82.

“Winsor often refers to ‘muscle’ when she talks about her work, not just the muscle it takes to make the pieces and haul them around, but the muscle which is the kinesthetic property of wound and bound forms, of the energy it takes to make a piece so simple and still so full of an almost frightening presence, mitigated but not lessened by a humorous gawkiness.”
- Lucy Lippard

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