Saturday, September 21, 2024

Copy Machine Manifestos: Artists Who Make Zines

The Vancouver Art Gallery iteration of the Copy Machine Manifestos: Artists Who Make Zines exhibition closes tomorrow, after a run of over four months. 

Organized by the Brooklyn Museum and curated by Branden W. Joseph and Drew Sawyer, the show features over a thousand zines and artworks by more than one hundred artists, demonstrating the importance of zines to a wide swath of subcultural scenes. It also examines the intersections with other mediums, including collage, craft, film, drawing, painting, performance, photography, sculpture and video.

To complement the exhibition - and pay tribute to Vancouver’s rich history of ‘zine making that emerged out of West Front in the seventies - the gallery has created a reading room featuring a selection of zines and small publications produced by local artists. These include Ho Tam, Whess Harman, Erica Wilk, Cole Pauls, Cheryl Hamilton, Lisa g Nielsen, and Liz Knox. 

Liz Knox’ contribution includes two great titles: The Anarchist Review from last year, and A Void, released by the Nothing Else Press in the spring. See previous posts, here and here. They have apparently both been stolen, but subsequently replenished. 

The reading room is the one space in the exhibition where visitors can handle publications, which is often an obstacle for historical exhibitions about works better suited for stores than museums. The installation for the reading room, titled Pockets of Time, is by local artist Marlene Yuen.

For more information, visit the Vancouver Art Gallery, here

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