Monday, August 26, 2024

Ulises Carrión | Dear Reader. Don’t Read

[Ulises Carrión]
Dear Reader. Don’t Read
Madrid, Spain: Museo Reina Sofía, 2016
272 pp., 19 x 27 cm., softcover
Edition size unknown

Dear Reader. Don’t Read traces the activities of Ulises Carrión from his early career as a young, successful writer in Mexico, to his numerous activities in Amsterdam where he co-founded the city’s first independent artist' run space In-Out Center, and the legendary bookshop-gallery Other Books and So (1975–79). The title includes texts by longtime Carrión collaborators Guy Schraenen and Felipe Ehrenberg, among others. 

The out-of-print volume also includes an audio CD, featuring audio from Carrión’s 1977 cassette The Poet’s Tongue.

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