Wednesday, March 12, 2025

David Shrigley | No Junk Mail


David Shrigley
No Junk Mail 
Toronto, Canada: Paul + Wendy Projects, 2014
13 x 13 cm.
Edition of 100 (+12 APs) signed and numbered copies

Yesterday I gave an artists’ talk to Liz Knox’s class on the subject of text in art. I spoke mostly about my own work, but also briefly showed some favourite examples from Kay Rosen, Maurizio Nannucci, Yoko Ono, Cary Leibowitz, Kelly Mark and David Shrigley. 

This one stands out for me because it is also one of the best Christmas presents I’ve ever received. 

I was complaining to my friends Paul and Wendy (of Paul+Wendy Projects) that I was sick of getting so much junk mail, but skeptical of hanging an ugly, earnest “No Junk Mail” sign on the front of my house. I casually mentioned that if David Shrigley made one, I would be interested. 

Without telling me, they contacted David and asked if they could commission him to make us one, as a gift. He agreed, and it turned out so well that they published it in an edition of a hundred copies. 

Sadly, we no longer get mail delivered to our door, so this now sits in our front foyer as a souvenir, alongside a house number that Micah Lexier made us for our previous address [see below]. 

No Junk Mail is a porcelain enamel on steel sign and the 23rd edition published by Paul+Wendy Projects. It is housed in a cardboard box and is accompanied by a letterpress card with the artists signature. It sold for $250 CDN, but is now long unavailable (as are the two book bags they later published with the artist). 

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