Per Kirkeby
4 Flux Drinks
New York City, USA: Fluxus, 1967
10 × 11.9 × 0.9 cm
Edition size unknown
4 Flux Drinks consists of a Canal Street plastic box with an offset label designed by George Maciunas, containing four altered tea bags. Various Fluxus newsletters list the tea bags as containing salt, sugar, ground aspirin and citric acid.
Both the box size and colour varied: it was issued in rectangular and square boxes which were transparent, white and red. Three different cover designs were distributed and at least two never used (see below).
As was often the case, an artist would casually mention an idea and Maciunas would realize the work with little or no further involvement from them.
From an interview in 1985 for Fluxus Codex:
Per Kirkeby: We started out with salt - that was the basic idea. Salt was something that disappeared
in hot water. You can taste jt but you can’t see it. But you are affected by it. Citric Acid. Aspirins.
Jon Hendricks: You never knew that he had done them though?
Kirkeby: I knew from the newsletters.
Hendricks: But he never sent them?
Kirkeby: No. That was also part of it. When / got those letters about the Flux Food Fest, | somehow couldn’t react to it. Had | been in New York, | probably would have done something. In that sense I’m a painter too, and | am simply very attached to concrete things.
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