Saturday, January 18, 2025


George Maciunas, Fluxus
Köln, Germany: Galerie und Edition Hundertmark, 1992
16.5 x 17.5 cm.
Edition of 300

Other than the Reflux editions (which were more continuations than reprints) this is probably the most authentic of the various collections of Fluxus facsimiles reprints. 

Housed in a hinged plastic box, this collection features nineteen items by various artists, all designed by George Maciunas.

Highlights include the brilliant "Flux Post Card" by Ben Vautier, "Compositions" by La Monte Young and  "La Strada" by Giuseppe Chiari. 

Other items include Flux Mailing List, Not for Publication Biographical Data, Fluxus Festspiele Prrogramm, Fluxus-Broschüre, Collage aus Zeitungsausschnittten, Collage aus Zeitungsausschnittten, In Memoriam to Adriano Olivettti, Fluxus (Its Historical Developments and Relationship to Avant-Garde Movements), Fluxshop, Games, Jokes, Kits..., Fluxus-Karte, Pancake Event, Flux Paper Events, Fluxus-Boxen, Fluxpost, Smiles, and "No Smoking" Wallpaper Poster by George Brecht and George Maciunas. 

As a reprint, the work has not increased in value much. It was about a hundred dollars two decades ago and now twice that, which has barely kept up with inflation. 

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