Friday, June 14, 2024


Rachel Domínguez/Jon Rubin/Dawn Weleski
Pittsburgh, USA: Conflict Kitchen, 2015
56 pp., 18 x 13 cm., softcover
Edition size unknown

Conflict Kitchen (see earlier post, here) was a restaurant in Pittsburgh started by Jon Rubin and Dawn Weleski, in 2010. For the seven years that it was operational (at various locations) it served only food from countries that the United States was in conflict with. 

A RING THAT OCCASIONALLY BORDERS THE SUN is designed by Brett Yasko, who also created the facades for each iteration (in collaboration with locals from each featured country) and the printed materials that serve as food wrappers (see below). The Cuban wrapper features interviews with Cubans both living in the US and in Cuba. They touch upon subjects such as Revolution, Media, Health Care, Arts and Economy. 

This title continues the approach but with children living in Cuba. Interviewer Rachel Domínguez poses the same question to boys and girls aged between the years of five and fourteen. 

Q: If you could make a law that everyone had to obey, what would it be?
A: To plant plants.
Q :If you were to move to another country, which would it be?
A: Paris.
Q: Why?
A: Because it is very cute and has the Eiffel Tower. I like it.
Q: Have you seen it?
A: On television.

14 year old Ariel was asked "What is the strangest thing that you have seen in your life?” and replied 
"The ring that occasionally borders the sun, like a halo. I have shot many photos of it,” providing the volume with its title. Asked what she would do if she were president, she answers "Improve this shit. I would raise wages.”

The interviews are accompanied by portraits of each participant, photographed by Carlos Ernesto Escalona Martí. 

Q: What do you think is the best invention in the world?
Armando, 9 years old: Someone should invent a city with banks that give away free money.
Q: Are you sure?
A: Well, it would be a better invention than the soccer ball.
Q: If you could send a message to anyone right now, who would it be?
A: To an adult.
Q: What would you say?
A: That they should not party and not drink too much alcohol.
Q: Why?
A: Because that could be a catastrophe for the human body.
Q: Why do some people have more money than others?
A: Because some are unable to work and others live in places where there is big money. And here most people are not so rich.
Q: How do you know that?
A: Because my mom says she pretends to work and they pretend to pay.

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